Being in love: the most wonderful feeling in the world. If you are in India, then the most common problem you will face to marry your love is your parents. The most common questions asked by our readers is How to convince my parents for a love marriage? Although it is easy for boys to do so compared to girls. But the problem is a problem, whether large or small, and if there is a problem, there will be a solution. Your parents always want the best for you. Therefore, it is your task to let them know that this is best for you. Today in this post we are going to talk only about this. We will tell you a complete strategic plan that will help you make this task really difficult very easily.

How to convince your parents for a love marriage in India
Introduce him as a friend
You must present your girlfriend / boyfriend as a friend of your parents, at least one year before your probable marriage date. So he / she can impress your parents in the meantime.
Talk to your partner
Before talking to your parents about marrying the person you love, talk to your partner one more time, if he / she is ready to continue the marriage. Is it the good time? You should clarify everything you can think of before talking to your parents about marriage.
Find the right time to talk with your parents
To talk about these issues, look for the right time when you can talk to your parents. Remember one thing, never talk to them when they are tense or irritated or not in the mood. You live with them, so you know the perfect moment, when they are happy and that is the right moment according to us.
Introduce your partner
If the person you are going to talk about is totally strange, give your parents a brief introduction about him / her, the background to which he belongs and so on. Your parents should know each and everything related to your partner. This will make your parents feel more comfortable when they meet him.
Introducing a family friend
If the person you are going to introduce is your family friend. Then things will be relatively easy for you. As your parents already know about them, it won't be a big deal to convince them.
Organize a reunion
Organize a meeting between your partner and your parents. We will suggest that you do not discuss anything with your parents about your partner until they know you. Let your partner talk to your parents and this is how they will get to know about him / her. It will help you understand a little about your partner, how he / she is, how he / she thinks.
Explain your point of view.
Explain to your parents why you love your partner. List each and every reason why you want to marry him / her. Just make sure they agree with you on all these points. The more points you tell them, the more possibilities both will have.
Leave your partner alone with your parents
Let your partner spend time alone with your parents. It is time for you to ask your partner important questions and analyze if he / she is really good for you. They just want the good for you, so try to understand their feelings and let them know about your feelings.
Ask for your parents' point of view
After they spend enough time with their partner, ask for their point of view. What they think of your partner. Are they happy with your choice? If you don't like your partner, what is the reason behind that?
Give some examples of successful marriages
Give them an example of some couples who have loved marriage and are now very happy. This will surely help you gain weight in your words.
Give some examples of failed marriages
Give them examples of some marriages that were arranged but were unsuccessful. This will also help you convince your parents.
Get support from your cousins
If you have married cousins, call them to help you. They are married and, of course, they are your age. They will definitely understand your situation and also help you convince your parents. Allow them to meet your partner and decide if he / she is perfect for you. Once they are happy with their choice, they will do what they have to do to convince their parents.
Other tips
Keep your parents away from people who are against loving marriage.
Tell your parents that marriage is about commitment and sacrifice and that both are ready for that.
Never threaten your parents to move with your partner. This will only make things worse.
Try to have at least one of your parents on your side. As one of them will convince the other very easily.
Never pray for what you want. Never shout or fight when you talk about this issue, as it will only make the situation worse.
So follow these tips and tricks from our experts on How to convince your parents for a loving marriage and start convincing your parents.
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