Marriage is dividing four part of polygyny marriage, group marriage, polyandry marriage, and monogamy marriage. In polygyny marriage, one man does marriage with more women. In polyandry, marriage is that one woman does marriage with more men. So, like that doing polygyny marriage is opposite then polyandry marriage. In group marriage, maximum couples do marriage in the same day and same place. In Monogamy marriage, only one man do marriage with one woman.

How do Marriage with my Love?
Love Marriage Specialist is diving two part of advantage and disadvantage. In advantage, family members are including in marriage and fully supporting their children. In the Disadvantages of marriage, family members are not supporting their children. Love marriage is diving two parts more in the marriage like Love Vs Arrange Marriage, Maximum persons are doing love marriage in life but their parents are not allowing to love marriage they are not supported their children.
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